By Bethany Rose

Written February 21, 2020
Last updated March 2024

“I can honestly say that the times I feel the most alive, the times all life’s worries go out the window, and the time I feel the closest to God is when I am singing.”

Where did I come from?

Surprisingly enough, I wasn’t born in America or Canada. Nope, I was born in a town called Naples in Italy. My dad was on active duty in the Navy, so both my brother and I were born overseas. Pretty cool right? I know you’re dying to know, but no, I don’t speak Italian nor do I have any citizenship there, sadly. When I was still a baby, my family moved back to The States so I spent the first 21 years of my life in Oregon. 

As a kid, I watched a lot of musicals, Oklahoma! (feel free to judge) was my favorite. I had every song memorized and often performed the entirety of the set to my family, whether they wanted to hear it or not. Ah, to have a complete lack of shame like a child. I just loved singing my little heart out every opportunity I got. When I entered grade school, I joined the concert choir as an elective and stayed with it every year of school. I loved singing, but as I got older, fear and insecurity set in so I liked that I was basically anonymous and just part of the crowd in the choir. Me auditioning for solos never happened (god forbid I tank and get made fun of by my peers). I was happy just singing quietly and blending in, or at least I told myself I was. 

My Early Musical Days

Up until 2019, I only ever had one performing experience when I was in high school. Every year we had an end-of-the-year show called MayFest which was more of a talent show that everyone had to audition for. In my junior year, I shockingly decided I wanted to audition for it with a friend of mine, Jessica. We debated doing “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey (I know, it’s so overdone). Ultimately though, we decided to do “Anyone Else But You” by The Moldy Peaches. The movie “Juno” had come out recently, so everyone was on the indie-rock hype train so it made sense to ride that wave. Our teacher loved it and put us as the very last solo act of the night, before the final performance of “Somebody To Love” by Queen with the whole choir. 

I was so nervous as I walked from the back of the stage at the left, all the way to the very edge of stage right where our mics were set up. I could feel my heart pounding in my throat and my blood pressure dropped about 20 points. We started singing and honestly, the rest is a total blur. If it wasn’t for my family recording the whole thing, I would have thought I dreamt it up. It still doesn’t seem real that I did it. To my shock and surprise, when we finished we received a standing ovation from everyone in the crowd. It was unlike anything I’d ever felt before to have a thousand people clapping and cheering over something a friend and I did. Although it was an amazing experience, I left high school after that year and never gave myself another opportunity to sing publically for over 10 years.

Where Trevor and Wade Come In

I met Trevor the month before I graduated from college in 2013. We hit it off over our mutual love of music, cold weather, and rock star fashion. Many of our conversations involved music and talks about our favorite bands. But unfortunately, all we could do was talk, as we lived over 300 miles apart. I lived in Portland, OR, and him in Vancouver, BC. After a few months of chatting back and forth, we knew we had to meet in person, it just felt right. So I bought a plane ticket up north, stayed for 10 days, and fell in love with everything around me: Canada, the people, the beautiful landscape, and best of all, Trevor.

Our first date, June 2013

[I] fell in love with everything around me: Canada, the people, the beautiful landscape, and best of all, Trevor.

I met Wade, Trevor’s long-time best friend, the first week I was visiting Canada. I had heard many glorious stories about him from Trevor. Essentially I knew going in that it was a 2-for-1 deal with them. (To this day, I still lovingly refer to him as Trevor’s second wife.) The first conversation I ever had with Wade went like this:

*Wade walks in the room*

Bethany: “Hold on Wade, I’m going to kick your @$$ in a minute”

Wade: “Get off my man, you Harpie!”

And that was that. We spent the rest of the night hitting it off and quickly became the trio we are now. 

Becoming a “Band”

Trevor and Wade usually spent time jamming together on the weekends. Trevor knew I liked to sing, but I was hesitant to join. “Just come out and jump around” he always told me. Eventually, after much convincing and coercing, I joined the guys in their regular “jam” sessions to sing. I’ll never forget the first time I sang in front of Trevor and Wade. I made them turn down my mic SO LOW that even when I would belt it, they couldn’t hear me through the speakers or over the music. When Trevor tried to turn my mic up even when it was on a song I knew really well (“Pour Some Sugar on Me” by Def Leppard), I freaked out. I’ll share more about my singing struggles next, but it wasn’t just a fear of singing in front of strangers. I didn’t even want my own family or best friends to hear me. I seriously went on like this for about longer than I’d like to admit.

I’m so thankful for the guys asking me to join though. Trevor and Wade have both been so encouraging and patient with me. It took a while, but I forced myself to take steps forward and in the process, I found my confidence and joy in embracing the gift God gave me. Now, I can’t keep myself from singing at every opportunity I get. You probably don’t want to go on a road trip with me, I will sing along to every song on the radio haha.

If you’d like to know how we became an official band, read our Origin Story.

My Unfounded Fear of Singing

In the previous version of my story, I talked about how a comment that someone made to me when I was younger caused me to fear singing and have deep, long-running hurt feelings. However, after doing this for a few years now, I realized that my fears were self-created and an attack from the enemy. Truthfully, I wanted to blame some external factor for my inaction and fear, because that was easier than admitting it was my own fault for stifling my desire to sing. But it was, in all honesty, my own fault. I created this unfounded fear of having to “be the best” and that I just don’t have what it takes to be a “singer”. I backed up this lie with external evidence like that comment or completely irrelevant things that would happen to me. Fear runs deep and it’s a hard trench to get out of sometimes, at least it was for me.

“Fear runs deep and it’s a hard trench to get out of sometimes, at least it was for me.”

Thankfully, so much has changed in my life and in myself since we started this, and I want to own up to the fact that I gave into my fears, of my own volition. But I’m not that person anymore and I never again want to blame someone or something for my setbacks.

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right”

Henry Ford

Where I Am Now

I can honestly say after all this the times I feel the most alive, the times all life’s worries go out the window, and the time I feel the closest to God is when I am singing. I believe I was always meant to be a singer, even if I pushed it down in myself for so many years. I may never be “the best”, but it’s not about that. It’s about doing what I can with what I have and embracing what sets my heart free.

Now, I wouldn’t want to do this with anyone else. Both Trevor and Wade are my best friends, and there’s never a dull moment when we’re all together. It’s crazy to me to see how far we’ve come since we started and I am excited to see what the future brings as we keep moving forward. I know in my heart that us making music together is meant to be.

“I know in my heart that us making music together is meant to be.”