January 10, 2020
Never Getting In: How it Came Together
Never Getting In was one of those songs that just kind of all fell together perfectly, lyrically speaking. My writing process consists of writing down lines that pop into my head, then filing them away for later use. Trevor had written the guitar parts and melody and I felt like this song really needed some strong, powerful lyrics. I looked into my goody bag (aka, my Evernote memo filled with random lines and ideas for songs) and saw the line "it's the small whispers in the night, it's the small lies that never die". When I saw that I thought to myself "oh yeah, that's meant for a this song".
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December 4, 2019
Origin Story: The Truth Behind the Tunes
It’s hard to place any one particular moment or event that led us to where we are now. It was more like many events coming together to prepare us for the journey we were about to embark on. Had we not gone through all the twists and turns that led us to making music, we wouldn’t have been ready to take on such a challenge.
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December 1, 2019
Writing the song “My Affliction” [Inspiration & Difficulties]
My Affliction is about struggling with wanting to do better or be a better person, but falling into the trap of being 'Comfortable'
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November 30, 2019
Naming the Band: What does “Stands on Sapphires” Mean?
It came down to a pen, a piece of scrap paper, and a 30-minute timer. We'd brainstormed band names many times before, but none of them gave us that "ah-ha" moment we were looking for.
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