March 3, 2021
We need your help!
As you may know, we are completely DIY. We are not signed to any labels, PR firms, or have any kind of financial backing. That's why we need your help & support and we're inviting you to our Gems Family Fan Club.
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February 9, 2021
10 Things You Don’t Know About SonS
Usually, there is so much more than meets the eyes with art and music. That's why we are sharing 10 things you probably didn't know about us and where you can find more information about each thing! Let's go!
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November 13, 2020
Who is Matt “Hugs” Hughes? An Interview with our honorary band member.
If you've been listening to our debut album, BLOOM, or following us on social media for any amount of time, you're probably wondering just who this "Matt" (aka "Hugs") person is and why is he an "honorary band member". What does he do in the band? How does he know all of us?
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